someone buying eggs

Stretching your grocery budget: Eggs

Eggs are a breakfast staple, a baking essential, and a protein powerhouse. But lately, they've also been making news for sky-high prices and empty shelves. But with egg prices rising, many of us are scrambling to find ways to keep this versatile ingredient on our tables without breaking the bank. But we’ve got some ideas to stretch your egg budget from savvy shopping strategies to clever substitutions.

1. Get cash back on eggs

Technology can be a huge asset in your quest for egg-cellent deals. With cash back on grocery staples and more, the Ibotta app is here to help you make the most of your budget. 

Don’t miss this: Every Friday in February, the Ibotta app is offering cash back on eggs. Everything helps when it comes to the price of eggs! Make sure to open the app every Friday and add your Any Brand Eggs offer and head to the store. It’s only good for 24 hours! 

Any cash back you earn from grocery shopping can be added to your grocery budget to buy more eggs in the future! 

2. Track prices and plan ahead 

The first step to saving money on eggs (and any grocery item, for that matter) is planning. Don't just wander into the store and grab a carton. Instead, take some time to plan your meals for the week. Knowing what you need will prevent impulse buys and ensure you're using the eggs you purchase before they expire.

Next, become a price tracker. Many grocery stores have weekly flyers or apps that advertise sales. Keep an eye out for discounts on eggs. Compare prices between different stores in your area. You might be surprised at the price variations. 

3. Pay attention to size and packaging

When it comes to eggs, size does matter, especially when you're on a budget. If you normally reach for large or extra large eggs, they're often more expensive per egg. Consider buying medium or even small eggs if they're significantly cheaper. You might have to use an extra egg or two in some recipes, but the overall cost could still be lower.

Also, pay attention to the packaging. Sometimes, buying eggs in bulk can be more cost-effective than buying smaller cartons. However, be sure you'll be able to use all the eggs before they expire. Consider sharing a bulk purchase with a friend or family member if you're concerned about spoilage.

4. Explore egg alternatives:

Eggs are such a versatile ingredient that it can be frustrating to see how the price is affecting the rest of your recipes. But there are some more budget-friendly substitutes you can try for both sweet and savory dishes. 

Replacements for eggs in baking:

  • Applesauce: 1 egg = ¼ cup of applesauce

  • Mashed banana: 1 egg = half a banana

  • Flaxseed: 1 egg = 1 tablespoon of flaxseed mixed with 3 tablespoons of water

Try these in recipes where the eggs are used for moisture and binding, such as muffins, cakes, and brownies. 

Replacements for eggs in cooking:

  • Beans

  • Lentils

  • Tofu

These are great egg protein substitutes that are cheaper than eggs and offer a variety of nutritional benefits. 

5. Try other egg options

Powdered eggs might not sound as appetizing as fresh eggs, but they are shelf-stable and surprisingly affordable. They're perfect for baking and can be reconstituted for use in scrambled eggs or omelets. Powdered eggs are a great pantry staple to have on hand for those times when fresh eggs are scarce or expensive.

6. Consider a new pet chicken

If you’ve got the space in your yard and room in your heart to care for a new feathery friend, raising chickens might be a fun way to solve your egg problem. There is an initial investment in setting up a coop and purchasing chickens, but the long-term savings can be significant. Plus you’ll know exactly where  your eggs are coming from. 

However, check the local regulations for backyard chickens and make sure you’re ready for the commitment of caring for another living thing before you try this path. 

7. Examine your egg storage

After you’ve gone to so much trouble and cost to get your eggs, the last thing you want to do is let them spoil. 

Storing eggs in the fridge

Store your eggs in their original carton in the coldest part of your refrigerator. If you’ve got a fancy egg holder in the door of your fridge, ignore it! The temperature in the refrigerator door fluctuates too much with all the opening and closing. 

Storing eggs in the freezer

While you can't freeze them in their shells, you can crack them into a freezer-safe container and freeze them for later use. You can freeze whole eggs, egg whites, or egg yolks separately. This is a great way to keep eggs that you might not be able to use before they expire.

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