New to Ibotta? Get 100% cash back on your first purchase at select retailers!* Sign up now

Ibotta browser extension

Items out of stock? Get restock alerts!

​​Set notifications for essential items and the extension will alert you instantly when items are restocked.
​​Set notifications for essential items and the extension will alert you instantly when items are restocked. Provide your email below and we’ll email you a link to get the extension.
You must agree to the terms and conditions first.
Your item is back in stock

How it works

  • 1. Download the extension

    Add the Ibotta browser extension to Chrome and log in to start saving!

  • 2. Shop online and click the Ibotta tab

    Visit a participating site and start shopping! Click the tab on the right side of the screen to see the extension window and tracking options.

  • 3. Turn on notifications and choose settings

    If your go-to item is out, toggle the gray Notify When In Stock button in the extension to teal and set the frequency to Instant for lightning-fast restock alerts.

  • 4. Get notified and manage tracked items

    Browser notifications will appear on your desktop when an item is back. You can also see past notifications and edit tracking in the Tracked Items section.

Browser extension download
Shop online
Out of stock alert
Track items

More ways to use the extension

Link account

Cash back on online grocery and delivery

If you’re getting groceries for pickup or delivery at a participating retailer, link your account with Ibotta and search hundreds of exclusive offers.

You earned $8.85 cash back

Cash back at online retailers

When you’re shopping at participating online retailers, you can earn cash back on your entire purchase with the Ibotta browser extension.

Get real cash back at thousands of online retailers


*Offer valid for a limited time and at select retailers. 100% cash back up to the maximum dollar amount contained in the offer details.