365 new days 365 new chances

Year of You resolutions with cash back

New year, new resolutions – Make 2023 the Year of You! Plus, get your new year’s resolutions going with rewards from Ibotta.

This year, instead of setting stretch goals that you’re likely to abandon by the end of the month, try making realistic resolutions that will improve your life in small ways. Here are a few of our resolutions and how we plan to keep them (and save some money in the process).

Resolution #1: Focus on personal wellness

  • Make Olly part of your daily routine in 2023! Beauty, sleep, and more support options!

  • An essential part of wellness: more fruits and veggies! Make your nutrition intake so much easier with Vitafusion Balance of Nature capsules.

Resolution #2: Meet your money goals.

Getting out of debt or saving up for a major purchase are great big-picture goals, but a New Year’s resolution should ideally be something you can accomplish this year.

So, think of a realistic resolution that can help you make tangible progress in the next few months. May we suggest Ibotta? If you resolve to check Ibotta every time before you shop, you could earn enough cash back over the course of a year to make a real dent in your money goals, whatever they may be. These are just a few of the ways you can use Ibotta to support your New Year’s resolutions, but you can find Ibotta offers and retailers for almost any purchase, from travel and entertainment to health and beauty to pet supplies. Here are 5 more ways to budget with Ibotta!

Resolution #3: Focus on having healthier skin.

  • With Cetaphil, healthy and hydrated skin all year long will be the easiest resolution you keep.

  • With Mío, you can make water whatever flavor you want, at whatever strength of flavor you want! You’ll stay hydrated, which means your skin will also stay plump and hydrated.

Resolution #4: Focus on snacking smarter.

  • Perfect Snacks are here to make 2023 your best snack year, yet.

  • If less sugar is a 2023 goal, you don’t need to sacrifice flavor, drink MTN Dew 0 Sugar.

  • Quaker oatmeals are protein-packed and come in tasty flavors. Make yours for breakfast, a snack, or a post-workout fuel up.

Resolution #5: Keep it clean.

If you resolve to deep clean your home once a week, you’ll quickly find yourself dreading Sunday afternoons when you’ve inevitably put off the task all week. Again, the key is to choose a smaller, realistic resolution that will give you the confidence and motivation to do more as time goes on.

Another daily task you can do without feeling overwhelmed: shining your sink. Cleaning and organizing guru Marla Cilley, known as The FlyLady, says that a shiny sink is the foundation of her entire cleaning approach, which is based on a series of baby steps. (Are you seeing a pattern here?) “Many of you can’t understand why I want you to empty your sink of your dirty dishes and clean and shine it when there is so much more to do,” Cilley says. “It is so simple; I want you to have a sense of accomplishment!”

  • Pro tip: Earn cash back when you stock up on cleaning supplies (to shine your sink every night) or new bedding (to motivate you to make your bed each morning) from Ibotta retail partners like Bed Bath & Beyond, The Container Store, Crate and Barrel, Target, Walmart, grocery stores, and drug stores.

Last but not least, make 2023 a year full of fun, friends, and great shopping deals! Shop the Ibotta Resolutions with Rewards cash back event all month long, and shop the Ibotta Year of You online Jan. 9th through the 15th.

Happy new year from Ibotta.

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